Design Review

  • This web page was put together using a combination of Frontpage Explorer - Frontpage Editor,Adobe Photoshop,and Windows '95.

  • I have never used computers much in the past,only for typing up assignments occasionally. I had never used or heard of for that matter programs such as Dreamweaver or Frontpage Explorer or Pagemaker and did not have the first clue in how to go about designing a home page, let alone a complete and functioning web page.

  • after completing the homepage however the extension of it into a webpage became much easier as I got used to using the programs.

  • putting the page on the internet was much harder than I thought it would be, and I eventually ended up getting the help of a friend who helped me greatly and if it was not for his assistance you would not be reading this now!

  • not doing it at uni and using dreamweaver like most other students  was my choice as my mum had the facilities and programs such as frontpage explorer in her computer.(though having never used them herself I could not ask her for any help!)

  • I basically felt my way around the program and got into many glitches however with a little fiddling and an ever increasing knowledge of the program I was able to get out of these in the end.

  • I did make some changes to my overall page once I had the basic design and went for a checker pattern rather than the columns.It was just more interesting. Also I went for more bolder colours as it was more catchier to the onlookers eye without being blinding (I hope!)

  • Doing this assignment has given me more confidence in using and creating different programs on the computer and I understand a whole lot more than what I use to.

  • It actually was not as hard as I thought it would be in the end!

  • As you should have seen I have included my e-mail address so please feel free to write and tell me how you like my web page, or for that matter how you do not like it or simply click below to go to my feedback form.