Issue 4 – June 08

50 Year Olds (or thereabouts) Get Together 2008

By now, you should have received the Invitation to the Get Together. If you haven’t, contact me directly at or through the web page at “Contact.”

We really need everyone to RSVP as soon as possible.

You RSVP on the webpage after clicking on the 2008 Reunion link.

Note:you will need to “log on” at the webpage. Contact me if you have forgotten your username and/or password.

The webpage also offers some assistance and allows you to assist one another: -

If you need a lift to Leura and/or back again please put a notice on the Reunion 2008 page. Remember to include details like when you want to leave for Leura and when you want to return home.

Similarly, if you are willing to share accommodation, advertise on the “Notice Board”. Remember to include details like which nights and whether you snore, etc. Note this is not how you BOOK your accommodation, just combine to share.

When booking your accommodation remember to advise the reservations people of when you intend to arrive and when you intend to leave. Plus if you want separate bills and the like. Ensure you determine how your booking will be confirmed eg credit card details or deposit received within a week.

The weather in November should be fine but don’t rely on November being good weather as the Blue Mountains can really “bung it on” with regards bad weather from time to time – hot, cold, wet, snow, windy or bushfires.

The Ice Breaker on Friday night will see those “early arrivers” get stuck into the spirit of things straight up. Paul Eastment has volunteered his humble abode for a Sausage Sizzle which will accompany the drinks. See the Information Package for Paul’s address and check out the locality map.

If you intend to play golf on Saturday morning, you must book in with Paul Eastment. Send an email from the webpage at Paul’s “Student Details” or call his mobile number. He will allocate Tee Off times as there is a competition on before us. Please pay Paul on Saturday Morning.

The menu for the midday Saturday luncheon has been set and promises to be well received by all. If you have any special dietary requirements please let me know early so we can attend to this - contact me by email, Phone or via the web page.

The format after lunch is “general” with no structure and you can elect to continue over dinner (no set venue but the Golf Club’s Restaurant can cater for dinners on Saturday night). Wayne Banyard recommends the steak at the Golf Club.

It has been suggested that a musical Jam session should be had sometime on Saturday afternoon. If you want to bring your guitar etc then give me a quick email to indicate whether you want in.

Still Searching

I’m still looking for 30 Oldboys, so if you can help please contact me. These Oldboys are:
Paul Atkins Phillip Barker Scott Burges Glen Carey
Mark Clayton Stephen Cook Grahame Cooke Howard Coombes
Stephen Cranney Malcolm Dickson Laurie Downton Noel Gokel
Jonathon Gray David Henry Peter Horton David Ireland
Stephen Johnson Bradley Johnstone Wayne Jones Mark Lawler
Douglas Louis Bruce Martin Mark Miller Peter Mitchell
Shane Newsham Warren Smith Robert (RD) Taylor David Thomson
Mark Turner Stephen Weise    

If you can’t remember their faces, check out the Gallery photos on the webpage.


Malcolm Hawkins


Malcolm Hawkins

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