Issue 3 – May, 2008

50 Year Olds Get Together

Programme for the weekend of Friday 7th , Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th November, 2008 at Leura Golf Club, Leura, NSW

Friday 7th November

  • ICE BREAKER - from 5pm to whenever at Paul Eastment's Place

    18 St Georges Road, Leura (approx 500m from Leura Gardens Resort, Fitzroy St)

    Get settled at your accommodation then stroll down to Paul's for a BBQ and drinks

Saturday 8th November

  • MORNING GOLF - from 9am (optional)

    meet Paul Eastment at Leura Golf Club Pro Shop by 8.30am - 9 holes
    Bookings are essential

  • LUNCH - from 12 noon at Leura Golf Club

    Smorgasbord with drinks

    6th form photo re-enactment

  • CATCHING UP WITH OLD MATES - free time following lunch till whenever
    Leura Golf Club provides a very pleasant atmosphere for relaxing and general conversation

Sunday 9th November

  • MORE FREE TIME - at Leura Golf Club


Please Note

  • Only Saturday Lunch is catered by JRAHS Class of 1976.
    All other meals are the responsibility of each Oldboy.
  • Drinks are available from the bar at reduced rates.
    Please refer to Organisers for instructions on the day.
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