Issue 2 – February 08

What’s Happened to make the Get Together Happen?

The Get Together process has consisted of a number of discrete units being:

  • Book a venue and set a date
  • Contact everybody
  • Create the Yearbook and the Web Page
  • Organise and facilitate the above

That sounds easy!    But it’s not.

Book a Venue. Where to hold the function? That’s why the Personal Details form asks your locality and at that time the majority were within Sydney. A number of possible places where considered including at the school, places around the school like Eastwood RSL and mainstream places like Darling Harbour. We needed somewhere that allowed us to do our thing and be catered for, be easy to access and good quality at a reasonable price. We also had to consider Oldboys who are now Interstate or Overseas.

Set a Date. We intentionally missed all Australian state school holidays and the Melbourne Cup. We also wanted to select reasonable weather like spring.

Contact Everybody. We are still discovering people to contact and have about 35 people outstanding from the contact list. At one stage we considered partners but it was hard enough doing just us Oldboys. So, it’s a Boys Weekend! Google ,WhitePages and the telephone have coped a hammering but thank goodness for the electronic age.

Create the Yearbook & Web Page. The Yearbook is started and to a large degree has been “highjacked” by the Web Page as you would expect. The webpage will provide all those things and more. We are open to any suggestions for both these.

Organise and facilitate the above. To collect money for the function we needed an account. To have an account we needed a constitution and minutes. So now we have an association called “JRAHS Class of 1976” currently with 4 members who also are the executive committee. Shortly the membership will expand to about 130 members as you would expect.


Formal Invitations to each Oldboy will be sent out shortly and as indicated above, we have to wait for the Bank Account to be created.

I need your help to find some of our Oldboys

I have now discovered the whereabouts of 105 Oldboys with 4 yet to return my calls.

The following people are proving hard to find:
Peter Allen Paul Atkins Phillip Barker
Glen Carey Stephen Cook Grahame Cooke
Howard Coombes Stephen Cranney Malcolm Dickson
Jonathon Gray David Henry Peter Horton
David Ireland Anthony Jenkins Stephen Johnson
Bradley Johnstone Wayne Jones Mark Lawler
Douglas Louis Bruce Martin Mark Miller
Peter Mitchell David Paget Warren Smith
Robert Taylor David Thomson Mark Turner
Stephen Weise    

Some of you have already given me information about some of these guys but I have come to dead ends on these people.

  • Does anyone know where these people are?
  • Can you contact any of them?
  • Did they have brothers or sisters?
  • Does someone in the family still live in the old family home

Check these out and let me know if you find any of them.

All assistance appreciated.

Don’t forget to scan and email to me any old photos etc relating to school


Malcolm Hawkins


Malcolm Hawkins

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