Issue 1 – February 08

This is my first newsletter for JRAHS CLASS OF 1976 to you Oldboys. For some of you, I guess you may have thought that you would not hear from me again.


When I was reminded that in 2008 I would turn 50, I selfishly decided that I wanted to get everybody together to see where we all got to in our lives. What started as a simple matter of finding all the Oldboys and inviting them all to a place for a beer of two has become incredibly complicated.

Who are all of the Oldboys?

  1. Initially I started with our 6th Form Photo and racked my brain to remember the names of each person. The photo has 82 Oldboys but this didn’t seem right.
  2. I then found the “1976 Annual Farewell to Sixth Form” Publication that listed all 6th Form. This was with all my old Photos etc that my mother had kept. It lists 100 Oldboys.
  3. I then had to start adding to this list to account for the Oldboys who had left before 6th Form and the like.
  4. I have 1B, 2B & 3B photos so I needed the other classes in each form to complete the check and have been trying to complete this task for some time. This is still a work in progress.

How do I contact all the Oldboys?

For whatever the reasons, we have generally not kept in contact with many of our school mates. There is a group of about 10 that have maintained a “loose” contact but the rest of us fit into the categories of either:

  • “have maintained contact with one other Oldboy,” or
  • “no contact with any other Oldboy”.

This has made the process of networking somewhat ineffective but there are a few good “detectives” within our number and a few with good memories so the initial list has grown to 136 Oldboys.

Thank goodness for Google, The White Pages online and Friends Reunited. The electronic age has allowed me in approximately 3 months to make contact with about 75 Oldboys.


No details have been set in concrete yet as we are trying to “tie up” the accommodation side of things.

My advice at this time is to “pencil in” the weekend of 8th and 9th of November 2008 as taken up by the Get Together.

Don’t forget to scan and email to me any old photos relating to school.


Malcolm Hawkins


Malcolm Hawkins

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